Lose your first 25-50 pounds this year and keep it off using SHEtrition's signature framework to creating a body you feel and look amazing in, eating the foods you love. 


For Good.

Lose Weight

Current member? Login.

"Last year in Puerto Rico, unhealthy, sluggish, self conscious about my body, but happy. This year in Mexico, healthy, energized, educated on my lifestyle choices, confident in my body and still happy!!"

- Shianna

"I finally feel like I have all the resources I need to maintain a healthy lifestyle."


Let's Make
Weight Loss Feel            

You are not



Weight loss can feel hard.

And if you're like most of my clients before they started working with me, then right now... You probably feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and at a complete loss on how you're going to get in shape, lose fat, and build the strength and definition you want when you can't stay on the "healthy bandwagon" for more than a few weeks.

Most women think to get more results, they have to exert more discipline, and will power. That, they just have to want it more than they want the snacks, and the Sunday mimosas with the girls.

Truth time?

"Thank you  Shetrition for this slow, steady, and balanced progress!"

- Megan


Bottom line, the             way to lose weight and keep it off, is to learn how to balance the foods you 
                               in your weight loss plan.

Not just foods you think you should be eating. 

Foods you love. Foods you think taste good. Food that doesn't sit in your fridge to rot inside those pretty meal prep containers (guilty af).

And until you learn how to use the foods you actually like to eat in an effective way, you'll waste time and money trying program after program, nowhere closer to the goals you've set for yourself.

Not to mention, you'll continue to reinforce the lie that if you were more disciplined, and more motivated that you'd be able to figure this all out, and hit your fat loss goal.

Yeah.... No.


already love

The most impactful thing I learned from the Shetrition program is the power of portion control. My body can thrive when I fill it with healthy food. In 8 weeks I lost 15 pounds and inches all over... More importantly I realized I can have anything I am willing to work for!

"In 8 weeks, I lost 15 pounds and inches all over"

- Amea

"I've been sticking to the meal plans since January and I am down 35 lbs! Still have a ways to go, definitely on my way!"

— Brook R.

"Down 35 pounds!"

"I came into this thinking that I'd come out looking better and being more healthy/fit, which I am, but I have discovered SO much more through this journey... I'm so grateful that I chose to do this. Thank you, Shantel, for teaching me how to live a new, healthy lifestyle, showing me what balance looks like and helping me get closer to my goal."

- Marcella S.

"This program benefitted me in such an amazing way"

"The support and everything is unmatched. And as someone who LOVES to eat, the recipe index is the game changer. All the foods you love and you are still able to meet, hell, exceed your goals! I bounced back better!!!"

- Jessie M.

"I'm so happy. This really is the best decision I could have made" 

"Every week, I have been asking myself who do I wanna become?
Slowly, I am seeing her!"

— Mariam C.

65 pounds down!

"I finally see the finish line. Just keep going. It's worth it."

— Cochea R.

"Just keep going. It's worth it"

I've taken my signature step-by-step process, that has helped over 6,000 women get jaw-dropping results on their journey to feel good, permanent weight loss and built it into an insanely comprehensive, fun, actionable, and value PACKED membership.

Join the Membership

tell me what I get


Create your unshakeable weight loss strategy in SHEtrition’s signature core trainings. Here, you’ll learn how to shed the mental weight that’s kept you yo-yo’ing with your weight, create a rock-solid strategy with your food, and become the person who loses her weight, for good.

Signature Core Trainings

Weight Loss


Create Your Weight Loss Plan

I make eating healthier a breeze for you inside SHEtrition's meal planning system. Drag and drop recipes to build your weekly plan, or follow done-for-you meal plans and create your shopping list with a click of a button!

Simple Meal Planning

With Ease

1. Bell Pepper Nachos

2. Big Mac Salad

1. Chipotle Chicken Flatbread


New nutrition e-books, guides, coaching topics, and fun challenges are released and hosted monthly in Shetrition; everything from how to tackle holiday eating and cravings, to snack pack guides and so much more

New Weight Loss Tools Every Month


Your Very Own 

Get coaching and support whenever you need it. Write in a question to our community, send a private message any time, get coached by Shetrition coaches who have hit their own weight loss goals, or join very own accountability group!

Get Support Every Day

Dream Team

Member Only

Want to uplevel your weight loss? Browse our collection of exclusive movement and cooking classes that'll make your weight loss that much better.

Extra Features Just for You


Get Direct

In SHEtrition, we have one weekly live Zoom coaching session so that you can bring your most pressing weight loss issue and leave with a solution. Here, I answer all of your burning questions, help you through any struggles, while lighting a little fire under you at each turn in your journey. These calls are value PACKED, and so much fun.

Weekly Live Coaching

To Me

that's it, I'm in!

"Since starting the program in January, I've lost more than 20 lbs! I haven't been this size since my junior year in college, over 5 years ago! It brought me to tears seeing progress photos of myself, because like many women, this has been a life-long journey for me."

- Nina R

"I've lost more than 20 pounds!
Haven't been this size since junior year of college!"

(Lost 50 pounds in her first year
 Inside Shetrition)

Get instant access to nutrition and mindset trainings, weekly live coaching, healthy recipes, done-for-you meal plans, and a kick ass community of women on their journeys ready to see you win!

For Good.

It's Time To Lose Your Weight                         

— Brook R.

I am down 35 lbs! Still have a ways to go, definitely on my way!"

Lost 35 pounds in her first 6 months.

— Lyndsey S. 

"I am the healthiest mentally, physically, and spritually that I've been in a very long time"

Lost 24 pounds her first 8 weeks, and 45 in her first year.

"I don't look at food with anxiety anymore nor do i hate looking into the mirror like I used to!"

— Lovely 

Lost 52 pounds in her first
6 months postpartum.

"The most transformative program I've ever been a part of"

— Jamesha

Lost 14 pounds and 11.5 inches
her first 8 weeks.

"Shantel helped me last year, and changed my life forever!"

— Gina G.

Gina's progress in her first
8 weeks inside Shetrition.

Hit your first weight loss milestone (5-15 lbs or more) without restricting the foods you love in your first 8 weeks

How Does This

Create a rock-solid weight loss routine that sets your days up for massive wins 



The Results You're Going to Get:

Learn how to eat for your goals without obsessing about macros and calories 


Learn how to create and execute your own meal plan with pre-portioned recipes that gets you results


Be supported every step of the way from coaches who care and an incredible community of  women on their journey just like you 


sounds amazing!
i'm ready


I've been there, and so many of my clients have been, too. Boring food prep, unrealistic gym schedules, no mindset work or healthy habits being put into place, so.... you fall off, and repeat the cycle of making progress, then losing it all for months, or even years. We can change that together! 

Right here, right now we                   things.

You're in the right place.


"I I'm amazed by what I see in the mirror... My husband can't keep his hands off me!"


- Sunni C.

"I really feel like there's nothing I can't do! I've discovered a new level of confidence."


- Alexis P.

"Losing weight isn't easy, but this program simplified the steps."


- Ezra H.

"Without Shantel... I would be no where near where I am today"


- Taylor V.

"This program really helped me. I learned to love and actually enjoy eating"


- Emilyn S.

"Thanks so much for being so motivating, even indirectly when watching your videos and looking at your posts and continuing to listen to me!"


tripled her confidence


"I finally see the finish line. Just keep going. It's worth it."



"Overrall I feel the best I've felt in a long time, physically and mentally..." 


healed in a beautiful way

"Down 70 pounds and LIVING!!!" 


changed her life


"This was the first program I've stuck to in 2 years, and I don't regret it one bit. 20 pounds down and I couldn't be happier!! Ya'll, keep pushing and kicking ass, the results WILL come" 

- Kyndra W. 

"20 pounds down and I couldn't be happier!!"

Will there be accountability in the membership?

While the membership is not a one-on-one program, my team and I are very present and available at all times. You can schedule a 1:1 onboarding call, talk to us via private messages, live group coaching sessions, our question board, and the FB group. When you need us, we are here.

Frequently Asked            

Are results guaranteed?

While I can't guarantee a specific result because every individual body is different; here is what I know to be true... When my clients show up, do the lessons, implement what they learn, get weekly coaching, they typically hit a weight loss milestone of 5-15 pounds during the first 8 weeks, and go to hit more inside the program.

I'm really busy, will this help?

Whew! Yes. Listen, I'm a busy girl too. Running a full time business, a wife, a mom, with tons of obligations, I understand what's really needed to lose weight- and that's simplicity. From routine work, to mindset strategies, to a recipe index that takes care of all the planning for you, SHEtrition is perfect if you're a busy gal, like me. However, you have to be willing to learn and implement. 

I'm 40+, will this still work for me?

Oh yeah! About 30% of clients in the Academy are over 40, and you better believe they're getting results just the same. 

Do recipes include macro/calorie counts?

Yes! Each recipe has its own macro and calorie count per serving to eliminate the task of counting and logging. 

Can I cancel anytime? Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds due to the digital nature of the membership. However, you can cancel your membership at any time. No questions asked. 

Is this not for anyone?

If you are under the age of 18, a strict vegan, or in recovery for an eating disorder (or feel you have one) this program is not for you. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition, please consult with your doctor before joining.

Are recipes family friendly? I've got a picky kid at home.

Oh, yes! Picky husbands and kids are no match for SHEtrition recipes. One of the raving reviews from my very own clients is how they can make these meals for their family, AND themselves. 


shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested into your body is an important one!  Ask me anything I didn't answer for you

Still on the



I'm a nutritionist, weight loss coach, and professional foodie (that's a thing in my book). After receiving my B.S. in Dietetics, I set out on a mission to prove that you could be healthy and lose weight, while loving, and actually looking forward to your food each day. 

I created Shetrition to help my clients uncover the beliefs around their food that were preventing them from losing their weight for good. 4 years, 6,000+ women, and 70,000+ pounds lost... We're here. And, I'd be honored to be a part of your journey. 


Founder of Shetrition

Shantel Taylor